You may have a lot of different reasons to run GHK SWEEPSTAKES or contests in your brand. Contests and giveaways are an excellent marketing tactic to grow brand awareness, increase sales and website traffic, supply your brand with new social media followers and grab the attention of new and existing customers.
Halloween contest
A bundle of scary movies is a great BIG prize idea to get people in the Halloween spirit.
We are grateful
We are grateful for the outstanding support we receive from caring individuals who respond to our mailings
Win Pressure Cookers
Win A pressure cooker is one of the best hands-off ways to get dinner on the table quickly
Secure and Safe
GHK Sweepstakes is easy-to-use and the fastest, most cost-effective way to set up a full-service
Win Money NOW
incredibly responsive and helpful when working through custom requests.
Detailed Service
You may have a lot of different reasons to run GHK SWEEPSTAKES or contests in your brand.
Scheduled Payments
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Scheduled Payments
You can also control the X and Y axis for content positioning. This example shows all set to the middle.
Visa Gateway
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Visa Gateway
These flip boxes are also placed within a carousel element which is completely optional. They can live in regular columns if desired.
Prizes From Your Industry
Choosing a prize that fits into your industry will surely resonate most with your audience. Be sure to choose something that is close to the heart of your message and your people.
Gift Vouchers & Shopping Sprees
If you offer gift vouchers or shopping sprees for a wide range of products, you will help your contest appeal to a much broader market segment.
Awesome Prizes
Holidays and special days are a great time to hold contests. Everyone wants a present. Whisk a couple away for a lovely weekend away on Valentine’s day.
PRIZE Increase
New Sweepstakers
The Experience of win MONEY with GHK Sweepstakes
PLAY NOWFirst Prize $3.500.000

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Second Prize $1,600,000

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Third prize $750,000

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